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Week in Review: 13/1/18

Well we’re 13 days into 2018, and it’s time to take stock of the current state of affairs. 2017 was a good year. Got Edge of the Vortex out late in the year, and this year I’m projecting to have Standish and the 6th Earth Saga book Condition Zero released. Lots of work to do between then and now.

This week saw the passing of the 155,000 word mark on Standish. I’m targeting 200,000 words for fun. I believe that the story needs that much to tell a true vision of what I have in mind. Anyone not familiar with Standish needs to read Remnants of Empire. That should give you some insights.


Attended a Bach centric violin concert at St. Martin-in-the-fields Friday night which was lovely. I’m trying to douse myself in more culture this year. London has so many opportunities for cultural immersion, and this year, with the help of the Art Pass, I’ve already got several events lined up. The Victoria and Albert museum, the National Gallery, the Tate’s all have great shows on. I once heard that artists (I’m not sure I’m actually an artist) require Johnny 5 levels of input, and London is a great place for that. Keeps the creative juices flowing.


I will have to admit that the writing has slowed this month. I’m not sure if it’s because we’re back at the gym, or because it’s cold and dark outside, or it’s because I’m not drinking, but it has slowed. Late last year I was hitting the bottle a lot, and easily making 3,000 words a day. This year I’m only averaging about 1,000. I need to get those numbers up.

I am also giving serious consideration to writing a short-story every once in a while, to help build my back catalogue, and to also fill possible gaps or holes in the Earth Saga story line. Time will tell.

On a personal note, huge NFL game tonight. As a Falcons supporter of almost three decades I’m looking forward to us crushing the Eagles. Last year’s Super Bowl defeat was hard to take at 4am in a local pub filled with Patriots fans.

Right. Time to finish this entry and do some proper wordsmithing. Until next time.

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