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The End of Febtober

Febtober is rolling to a close, and it’s time to take a quick stock of where things are.

Most importantly, Standish 3: The Daughter will be released in March. Without giving anything away, this story finds Standish alone and up shit creek without a paddle. Readers will get to see the Prime Team, but the spotlight is on Val for this story, one that will hopefully make the fans happy.

Looking down the road, work is ongoing on the Earth Saga IX. This will be the final book in the first phase of the Earth Saga universe. I always planned a 9-book series from the start, and I feel this novel will wrap up the events that started in Paraguay nicely. It will also have high stakes for our main characters but with a ‘no cliffhanger’ ending.

The plan going forward is to build on the Earth Saga Series with phase two (thank you, Marvel, for that idea). This will be set X years after the events of Book IX and will probably include a few of the stars from the first series in supporting roles. When the readers get to the end of book IX, I hope they’ll see the plethora of opportunities that are out there for the Earth Saga Series.

Other projects on the go include one that I’m very excited about: Cryne-In the Wrong Dimension. This is currently with a beta reader, so I’m just waiting on his feedback before it can get fixed and shipped off to the editor. I’m aiming for a late summer release. Cryne was one of my favourite characters from Standish. Almost a Command Master Chief Urgayle, if you know the reference. So, I thought he needed a standalone story that gave him the proper respect and adoration. He’s a great, cocky, son of a bitch, type of guy, but also a great mentor, and I wanted to write a story that gave closure to that character.

Looking past 2023, Standish 4 is already completed and will be released early next year, followed by the second instalment of The Rescue series. Other than that, there are several projects on the drawing board, but I think there might be a pause of an indeterminate amount of time until the second phase of the Earth Saga series starts. I want to deliver a few more standalone titles while continuing to build the Earth Saga Universe.

With all of that in mind, all I can do is keep punching the keys and hopefully deliver stories that people enjoy reading.

Starting, hopefully, with Standish 3. Coming soon!

Until next time, stay safe out there.

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