The month of May seems to have raced by in a cloud of Corona virus inspired Lock-Down. In the entire month, I don’t think I ventured more than a mile from my residence. The weather has warmed up, and the keys have been punched. With the new website operational, I was hoping for a boost to sales, but alas, last month only registered 7 sales. It’s pretty amazing how bad that is, considering I was able to give away a total of 231 copies. Oh well, there’s always June for that sales boost!

At the moment, there are 4 projects in some for of process. Project VI (Standish) is being re-edited. Project X, (The 7th Earth Saga Book) is being reviewed, and soon going back into production. Project XI (The Poirot murder mystery) is being read by 3 beta-testers. And finally, Project XII is getting written. Yikes! Ignoring Project VI, the plan is to release at least 2 books this year, most likely Projects XI and XII, while Project X will be very late 2020 or early 2021.

Looking past Project XII, I have a new book planned around a minor character from Project XI. We shall see, always a chance that things will change in between then and now. Obviously, there are 2 final Earth Saga series books to pen, and hopefully this will be done by 2022, wrapping up the 9 book series in nine years.

The month of May did see us reach the 30k threshold on Project XII. I’m aiming for around 55/60k, but we’ll have to see where the story takes us.

I watched a few films in May, but the highlight would have to be Knives Out. While it wasn’t perfect, there was much about it that I really liked, and I was shocked to realize that director also did Last Jedi, which was a disaster, in my humble opinion.

The plan for June is rather simple, keep pounding the keys on Project XII, and hopefully get Project XI back from the beta-readers during this month. Project XI will be the next book I release, hopefully sometime before the end of August.
