Well, July is over, and it seems like it flew by. Things are changing with Covid here in the UK, but it remains to be seen just where things are going to be long-term. On the sales front, July was an apocalyptic disaster of galactic proportions with only two sales, and yet, that was somehow not the worst month for sales I have had this year!
Work wise, July was productive. I have currently got five projects on the go, X, XI, XII, XIII, and XIV. That is quite a bit of sci-fi action going on there, but we are still aiming to have all of them released in 2020. It will take a lot of work, but I think it’s possible to get all five of those titles released with what remains of the year, with only two still being put to paper with the rest in edits.

The priority of August is to get Project XI, Murder on Valtameri, ready for a September release. It is currently with a test reader, and once I can get that back and make some changes, it will be heading to the editor ASAP. Fingers crossed, that will be the next release.
After Project XI is out of my hands again, the focus will shift to keeping Projects XIII and XIV ticking over with a minimum of 1000 words being completed on each per day while edits start on Project XII, A War Beneath the Clouds. Project XII is scheduled for release after Project XI, so we are hopefully looking at either late September or October for that project.

Other than that, there is not much to report. Things are starting to open here, but I am not chancing it. We are seeing second waves or spikes or whatever you call it everywhere, and I would rather err on the side of caution. Project XIII does centre around a virus outbreak, so I’m enjoying putting my spin on how national and regional governments respond to such a crisis, and since the book takes place in the Earth Saga universe on an alien planet, anything could happen.

Until next time, stay safe out there.