Never-ending edits on Book I are starting to frustrate me. How in the name of baby Jesus have I missed some of the errors I’m finding? No freaking idea. It’s all for a good cause, need to have some hard copies of Minus Epsilon printed out, and we can’t do that without going over V4.0 with a fine tooth comb.
I have also come to the realization that my working title for Book IV sucks, and I need a snappier, cooler title. With only 9k in words left until my target word-count, it’s becoming clear that i need to wrap up some loose ends, and that I’m going to overrun my target word-count. Not the end of the world, but I have given myself a June 24 dead-line, so it’s nose to the grindstone.
Anyway, being the morning, it’s time for some exercise. Need to get the mind right and the creative juices flowing.