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December/2019 in Review

December and 2019 has come to a close, and now we’re almost half-way through January. Time for a quick look back at December and how 2019 ended.

I’d have to say that December was not the most productive month, work wise. Work continued on Project 11, another stand-alone book in the Earth Saga Universe, but I certainly wasn’t punching the keys to my satisfaction. On the sales front, I had to settle with a measly 12 sales, which does not warm the heart.

December also involved the watching of some truly dreadful films. The Guy Ritchie ‘King Arthur’ film was a train wreck, and Ryan Reynolds ‘6 Underground’ was also completely stupid. How do these people get the funding for these projects? If I could crack that riddle, perhaps I wouldn’t be selling so few books.

On the music front, got the album from Signal Void, which is absolutely brilliant. I expect the synthwave music/work dynamic to continue into 2020. Hopefully some more awesome music on the way.

We had an election in December which Boris won handily. I voted for the Green party. Yep, I’m a lefty.

For X-Mas, I popped over to the US. Ugh. That place is so rundown. It’s rather sad, and the worst part is, the people living there either are used to it, or don’t care, but by European standards, there is lots to be desired. I think another 4 year absence is about right.

When looking at 2019 on a whole, there are 2 areas that are of particular interest. First, I released 3 projects. Condition Zero: The Earth Saga VI. Standish: An Earth Saga Story. The Gauloi: An Earth Saga Story. 3 releases per year is an excellent number, I’m not sure I can manage more than 2 in 2020, but we’ll aim high.

The second point of interest from 2019 is the total book sales. 124 units sold. That number is what I need to sell in 2 days to cover ‘cost of living’ etc by being a writer. Clearly something is off. I even bought that Rocket Publishing program and tried one or two give-aways. The sales and the reviews just aren’t coming. Very frustrating.

For 2020, I have 3 primary objectives: 1 and 2 are the release Project 10 (Earth Saga 7) and Project 11 (Earth Saga Stand-Alone). Objective 3 is to get the sales up. Somehow.

Time will tell, but hopefully, we’ll have some new adventures in print in 2020, and some new stories to keep the fans happy.

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