So Book IV, Remnants of Empire, is finished. This one felt like it took a while. I started on the 27th of October 2015, and finally finished on the 31st of August. Roughly 309 days of writing, getting frustrated, having writers block, drinking too much, yelling at myself, searching for inspiration, and finally delivering a finished product.

Some simple numbers:
Days to write: 309
Words: 113532
Scenes: 50
Major/Minor Characters: 54
Planets/Systems Visited: 16
People stabbed in the face: 1
Final edits need to be knocked out, but once that’s done, it’ll be up on Kindle and then on to the next project. I am considering shifting a few story-lines around, and moving this and that, so instead of having Book V then VI with the current ideas I have in mind, it’ll be essentially changed to Book V (Part 1)-Book VI (Part 2) of the upcoming crisis. Still going with a 9 book series, so no change there.

Anyway, 4 books down. 5 to go. Need an agent and a publishing deal. An animated series would be fun. Need some honcho at HBO to get hooked. In a perfect world.