We’re approaching the end of July, it’s been rather hot in the UK, and we’re about to launch the first book in the Rescue series, Vanuri Down.

Seems like the summer is zooming by, and while lots is getting accomplished, it feels like the release of the 8th installment in the Earth Saga series is just around the corner in October.
The bulk of this month has been spent making red-pen corrections on the October release, which is taking a considerable amount of time considering the size of that novel, close to 200,000 words, making it the longest book in the Earth Saga series by a good margin.

At the same time, I’ve been getting artwork for The Rescue sorted out. This book is rather short in comparison to other titles, but will hopefully offer an action-packed story that the fans will enjoy, and that ties into A War Beneath the Clouds. This will be the first novel in the Rescue Series, with the second book scheduled for an early 2024 release.
On a very positive note, all 7 books of the Earth Saga series on Amazon are now available in print. Very exciting stuff, and hopefully, given a few more weeks, some of the standalone titles will also be available for people to purchase. I only read physical books, so I understand that this option might be very welcome for some people.

On the writing front, I’ve completed Standish IV, which is due out next July, and am getting words on the second Rescue title.

Right now, the focus is on editing the 8th Earth Saga title, which needs to go to the editor for September.
On a totally different note, I went to the theatre recently and saw Singing in the Rain. A great film, and a great performance on the stage.

With just days left in the month, it’ll be a focus on getting more editing accomplished, and some words on the page. Right now, it’s a race against the clock with editing. Which still has several rounds to get the book ready for the editor.
That, and get The Rescue released! Naturally.
Until next time, stay safe out there.